langevitour 0.8.0
- Option to disable controls.
- In R interface, link_filter argument renamed to linkFilter because what was I even thinking?
langevitour 0.7 (2024-02-24)
- Refine full-screen and sizing logic.
- Default colorVariation seemed a bit much, reduced to 0.1.
- pointSize can now be specified per-point.
langevitour 0.6 (2023-11-17)
- Use TypeScript and webpack.
- Support crosstalk.
- Interface revamp.
- Avoid rare divide by zero.
- Line colors.
- Ignore width and height provided by htmlwidgets, as this is wrong when the widget is scaled using a transformation (happens in revealjs presentations).
- Directly manipulate projection with ctrl+drag.
- Python package.
langevitour 0.5 (2022-08-05)
- Improved widget visibilty detection, should work in slideshows.
- Hopefully fix weird shrinkage on resizing.
- Crisp HiDPI and zoomed drawing.
- Now call point repulsions "guide", new guides added.
- Reduce default damping.
- Add input checking.
- Hidden groups now completely hidden.
- Hidden groups hidden from legend.
- Faster rug drawing.
langevitour 0.4 (2022-05-09)
- Fix, remove redundant brackets.
langevitour 0.3
- Ability to get and set state with Javascript.
- Can now draw lines between points.
- Axis deactivation is now animated.
- Added ultralocal point repulsion.
- Level colors can be specified.
- Add knnDenoise function.
langevitour 0.2 (2022-03-23)
- Remove RNA-Seq example from CRAN package -- dependency not available on CRAN build servers.
- Enable use in Shiny.
langevitour 0.1 (2022-03-21)
- Ready for CRAN submission.